BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:AFTER HOURS: Arlington DESCRIPTION:\n \n DC Ad Club is bringing the networking to you with our next AFTER HOURS happy hour event. The e vent is free\, so bring business cards\, sunny dis positions\, a few colleagues\, and a willingness t o meet people in a relaxed environment after work. \n \n  \;\n \n When: \;Wednesday\, March 1 8\, 2015 \; // Networking: 5:30 PM to 7:30&nbs p\;PM\n \n Where: \;Arlington Rooftop Bar and Grill // 2424 Wilson Boulevard Arlington\, Virgini a 22201\n \n Metro: Courthouse Metro Station (Oran ge and Silver Lines)\n \n Cost: FREE to register\, cash bar\n \n  \;\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Meeting CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150318T173000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150318T173000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20150318T193000 LOCATION:2424 Wilson Boulevard\n Arlington\, VA\, 22201\n U nited States\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR